HRES are becoming popular as stand-alone power systems for providing electricity in remote areas due to advances in renewable energytechnologies and subsequent rise in prices of petroleum products. A hybrid energy system, or hybrid power, usually consists of two or more renewable energy sources used together to provide increased system efficiency as well as greater balance in energy supply. Biomass-Wind-Fuel Cell: For example, let us consider a load of 100% power supply and there is no renewable system to fulfill this need, so two or more renewable energy system can be combined. For example, 60% from a biomass system, 20% from wind system and the remainder from fuel cells.Thus combining all these renewable energy systems may provide 100% of the power and energy requirements for the load, such as a home or business.
Photovoltaic and wind – Another example of a hybrid energy system is a photovoltaic array coupled with a wind turbine. This would create more output from the wind turbine during the winter, whereas during the summer, the solar panels would produce their peak output.Hybrid energy systems often yield greater economic and environmental returns than wind, solar,geothermal or trigeneration stand- alone systems by themselves. Completely Renewable Hybrid Power Plant (solar, wind, biomass, hydrogen) i.e. a hybrid power plant consisting of these four renewable energy sources can be made into operation by proper utilization of these resources in a completely controlled manner. Government is also promoting Hybrid Energy Solutions in India as it increases the efficiency and to reduce the wastage of energy. We have an expert team to provide Hybrid Energy Solutions.